The father of a rightous child has great joy, a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. Proverbs 23:24
Over 30 years ago a few guys & their sons from a much-smaller New Life Christian Church celebrated the end of a brutal winter by camping on newly-purchased hunting land south of Henning, MN. Little did we realize this would be the beginning of an annual (1st weekend in May) event sponsored by New Life. Over the years we have added new things, such as a large gazebo for group meetings and a 750 ft zip line, which provides endless excitement. The event this year begins Friday afternoon, May 2. It will start by setting up camp (tents, campers) & operating an expanded display of heritage stationary engines. A new feature is a recently constructed can-crusher powered by a vintage Maytag 2-stroke engine - all participants are encouraged to bring a bag of cans to crush. Shelling corn with antique hand cranked corn shellers is always a big hit for kids. The food menu always includes cobbler baked in Dutch ovens smothered by 10 gallons of homemade ice cream. A crowd exceeding 125 men & boys is expected May 2-3 to celebrate spring, enjoy God’s creation, & build new Christian friendships & memories.
Dads n’ Lads Archive
Purpose: Promote Christian camaraderie among men & boys
Previous Themes:
2024 - Unsung hero - Dads
2023 - 30 yr pearls of wisdom
2022 - God-Link
2021 - Vision
2020 + 1
2019 - Leap of Faith
2018 - “power”
2017 - “Iron sharpens Iron”
2016 - “no Trapping”
2015 - Restoration
2014 - Set your sites on things above
2013 - Yada 20 yr anniversary
2012 - Abundant Life
2011 - Twin Pillars
2010 - Survivor
2009 - Training
2008 - Feed the flock
2007 - Past Heritage/Future Legacy
2006 - Team Factor
2005 - Launching Forward
2004 - Out House
Archive of previous activities (A mix of hands-on educational demos & competitive games for all ages loosely organized around a theme)
forging hit-miss engine demo
sumo wrestling corn shelling
tug of war cream separator
knots atlatl
wood sawing chariot races
obstacle course archery
horse shoeing demo sling shoot
horse packing demo trebuchet
horse-drawn wagon rides dog training
horse plowing demo tomahawk throw
trap shoot 50 cal shoot
co2 canons compass/GPS course
fire starting chicken pluck
wood duck box build Capture-The-Flag
tree identification trapping demo
pizza cook saw lumber with bandsaw
Fro & adz demo saw sharpening
sausage stuffing smoking fish
shooting tannerite demo of mechanical advantage with pulleys
throwing stars hydraulic can crusher
amish horse plowing maple syrup demo
eye-ball dissection bow shooting carp
rope making “Life Link” fly-in
mini back-hoe
Dads & Lads 2023
Dads & Lads 2020